Figure this out if you can

[I know this is far too long for the “as you see it” section, but I am hoping you will share this dilemma with your readers. Who knows, someone may have the answer.]
Here is a mystery I have noodled on for years, without success: public transit on the local U.P. line. We have a Board of Supervisors, several incorporated cities, and an official Regional Transportation Commission, (SCRTC). All are staffed with civic minded people presumably open to ideas to improve their areas of influence. Each jurisdiction has its unique problems, but the one in common throughout the U.S. is Public Transit. Some counties have good public transit systems in operation where ordinary citizens can get around well without using an automobile. Other places, Santa Cruz County is one, you pretty much need a car to get anywhere. So, to get to the point: what’s the problem in S.C.? The situation, itself, is simple enough to describe: we have a fully functional, standard gauge railroad track running through the most heavily populated section of the County. There are leasing companies that would love to provide us with rolling stock (trolley cars on the track plus small shuttle buses hustling riders from the neighborhoods, all without big money investment by the County). All that is necessary for Santa Cruz to have a superb transit system based on the U.P. line is available. Instead, thousands must drive, bike, taxi, walk, or stay home and the SC County organizations haven’t produced one leader with the power, or influence to put it together. Even funding should not be a barrier with the multiple millions floating around the country searching for good investment opportunities. So, with all the elements readily available, why has no one put them together?
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401