Obama and Chamberlain

Apparently the compulsion to disrespect Obama is so ingrained in the Republican consciousness they need to continuously make up things so there will always be some mud to throw. For example, the Iran nuclear talks, (although they involve several sovereign nations besides America,) are currently providing plenty of red meat for the mud-throwers, such as the attempt by two recent letter writers to characterize Obama as another Neville Chamberlain following the latter’s Munich meeting with Adolf Hitler prior to World War II. Such a comparison only indicates a profound ignorance of history. Iran today cannot in any way be compared to prewar Germany. And the nations negotiating with Iran are hardly equivalent to a weak and unprepared Great Britain standing alone against Hitler in 1939. But that doesn’t matter. Republicans will throw anything they can get their hands on at Obama if for no other purpose than to continue the flow of insults. Even if they don’t make sense.

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