“5000 died for nothing”?

As a veteran myself (World War II), I find it very difficult to accept the heading or the premise for Kay Hartley’s letter of May 24, 2015. Thinking people have long ago acknowledged that the Iraq invasion was a colossal mistake, but let’s blame Obama anyway. Did Obama disband the Iraq Army, leaving unguarded munitions dumps all over the country, and thousands of unemployed Sunnis and Shiites who hate each other (and hate Americans even more for destroying their country)? Was that Obama’s doing? Only diehard Cheney-ites wanted to keep an occupying force in Iraq with our soldiers being picked off, one by one, while we hoped the Sunnis and Shiites would suddenly begin to love each other, form a government together, and keep the oil flowing. They wouldn’t do what we wanted, so, let’s blame Obama. Two things are certain in the Muslim world: 1) Sunnis and Shiites will always hate each other, and 2) no foreign military can change that. But even so, we are supposed to blame Obama for all the current troubles in the Middle East. Despite the warmongers, who wanted to keep our soldiers in the Muslim crosshairs, Obama did what we asked him to do: He brought our troops home from Iraq, but let’s blame him for doing so before our “mission” was accomplished. Never mind that there was no legitimate mission in the first place, no reason for “shock and awe” with its massive destruction of a sovereign country and endless thousands of civilian deaths. But let us blame Obama anyway. Actually, if we do not rein in the war mongers among us, then maybe Iraq will have been “for nothing” after all.

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