Like a wet blanket

Partisan politics is like a wet blanket, insinuating itself into every issue, every activity of government. The extreme application of partisanship so far observed in the Trump administration presages nothing but constant dissension, bickering, and obstruction, based not on the merits and specifics of any issue involved, but on the purely partisan prejudice of the individuals involved. Now that the Republicans are in complete and total control of every aspect of federal and many state governments, it appears likely some of the most draconian, far-out ideologies are going to be forced on the American public, even though far less than a majority of Americans voted for Trump and his agenda. We have already seen a good sample of the right wing mentality in their attempt at repeal and replace. Republicans actually thought it was perfectly okay to deprive millions of low income people of their health insurance on one hand, while giving billions in tax credits to wealthy Americans with the other hand. If we could just, somehow, get Republicans to think more like citizens of the USA rather than as members of the Republican Party, maybe we could discover a middle ground more beneficial to everyone involved.

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