Not what we voted for

It seems that whatever scandal erupts in “Washingtin” is soon replaced by another, and then another, so that the principal product of that place is not government, but scandal. Surely, there are other noteworthy things happening; Paul Ryan must have the House of Representatives working on something, isn’t he? And Mitch McConnell should be over his reluctance to do anything for which Obama might get credit. Lord knows, he’s had over a year now to get the hatred of Obama out of his system. Republicans were able to ride the Trump wave all the way to total control of everything, but apparently the obligation to govern didn’t come along with all that power. Congress took the very worst feature of American society (that is: the disgusting inequality of wealth and income) and made it worse with a tax law that directs enormous monetary benefits to the wealthiest. The American voting public should probably be demanding some sort of a do over.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>

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