
We can’t say enough about how ill-advised and destructive and just plain wrong the Trump policy of separating children from parents is turning out to be. It is most certainly a problem that should have been anticipated and planned for, but save some of your worst expletives for what’s coming next. We didn’t think anything could be worse than the temporary separation of children and infants from their parents, but now we learn that the Trump administration has no plan or procedure of any kind to reunite these broken families, nor (and this is even more distressing) do they have any inclination to prepare such a plan. Reunification is going to be a massive undertaking, complex in the extreme, chewing up thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars. Trump (and his minions) probably lack the skills to pull it off, so here it is in a nutshell: They will need to get all, every single one, of the children together in one place were the displaced parents can be brought, in person, to identify and retrieve them. Presto! Instant match-ups on the spot. At that point, someone higher up on the humanitarian scale should be allowed to decide what to do with them in a way that keeps them together. They are not animals.

Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>

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